Black Mom and Male Warrior Mondays: Mission

Thank you so much for considering participating my Black Mom and Male Warrior Series! We are celebrating purposeful black moms and males who are changing the narrative of what that looks like to be strong, bold and courageous black parents. We are looking for positive role models who have either raised, mentored, adopted or are just great role models and have taken on the responsibilities of a parent to children in the midst of their own challenges either, physical, mental or emotional. The purpose is to write our own narrative about how in the midst of living in a country that dehumanizes us, we have examples of purposeful, proud pioneers who are inspiring, encouraging and uplifting our communities. We want to tell the amazing stories of Black parents so that others will be blessed to not give up on life or love!

The First Step

The first step is to complete this form to tell us more about yourself as a parent. Please send an email to to let me know when you have submitted this form. Thank you for sharing your story!

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