Adjust your Attitude toward FEAR
I have heard it said that fear is false evidence appearing real. What that means is that you have allowed your thoughts to imagine something that may or may not happen. We all have felt fear but just like any other emotion, we can choose to not allow fear to control our lives. Yes, fear might be in the car with you (hopefully in the back seat) but it does not have to be driving you. When I was about to start my daycare center 26 years ago, I had no experience, no degree in early childhood education no experience in owning or operating a school and to top it off the person who would grant me a license to own a childcare looked at me and said; “you can’t do this I had three schools they all failed what makes you think you can be successful?” What made me think I could, was ME. I am the one writing this story, I am the master of my fate. This is your life and someone’s opinion of what they think you can or cannot do is not your business. You are responsible for controlling the narrative. What is happening in the world is less important than how you are responding to it. Our children, our family members, our employees are watching how we lead not in times of plenty but in times of lack.
Your children will not remember the newspaper articles, MSNBC or news conferences, what they will remember is how you (their leader responded during the conflicts of life. How will you respond? Will you allow fear to paralyze you? or will you allow fear to fuel you? God does not give us the spirit of fear but of power, and love and a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). A sound mind that uses wisdom and understanding and remains calm even when the storms of life are raging. Why? because we as leaders must be anchored in faith. Faith that knows without the rain there can be no rainbow, faith that knows above the valley there is victory, on the other side of the mountain there is a miracle, through the trial there will be a testimony. What keeps fear from controlling my life is that I don’t want to get to the end of my life and have to say I would have ….I should have but I didn’t. So I fear nothing but a mediocre life, I fear nothing but an UNFULFILLED PURPOSE!
Until next time, Be A Light
Dr. Deborah