Be A Change Agent
Thomas Jefferson said, “In matters of fashion, swim with the current. In matters of conscience, stand like a ROCK! True Success is measured by what we leave behind. Parents, you and I have a MINISTRY to raise up our children to reach their full potential in Christ. The calling on your life is not about you. We have the power to change the world. However, in order to do so, we, the parents must be like Fannie Lou Hamer when she said I am “sick and tired of being sick and tired.”
Let’s fulfill our mission for this generation by being:
Sick and tired of our students being uneducated in an ineffective educational system
Sick and tired of our teenagers not loving themselves enough to value their life or the lives of others
Sick and tired of leaders giving lip service instead of life service by building, restoring and renewing the lives of children and families.
Sick and tired of fathers not taking care of the children they were big enough to make but not strong enough to raise
Sick and tired of mothers making money to buy their children “presents” instead of being “PRESENT”
Sick and tired of protecting the feelings of people with no values rather than proclaiming the TRUTH
When we begin to Rise Up, Stand up and Speak up for all of God’s children and seize the land understanding that WE ARE CHANGE AGENTS that is when we will change lives and transform the world.
Until next time, Be A Light
Dr. Deborah